AB Mauri Group
AB MAURI, a division of Associated British Foods plc (ABF), is a global family of yeast and bakery ingredient companies with an impressive footprint. We are one of the largest producers and distributors of yeast and bakery ingredients in the world.
AB MAURI has its global headquarters in the UK, and operates from more than 50 locations across the continents. We have over 6,000 employees and our current sales turnover is over US$1.6 billion.
Whilst the AB MAURI name is still new to many people, some of the local brands are very well recognised and respected in their markets, including; Fleischmann, Mauri, Calsa, Tower, Cereform, Serrol, Maurimix, Mauripan and Fermipan.
To view our Global Map, please click here.
Visit AB Mauri.com to find out more about our Global companies.