
Sustainable raw materials

  • AB Mauri UK and Ireland is committed to the core principles of sustainable development and we aim to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability throughout our business and supply chain.
  • We believe sustainability makes good sense for our business, our people and our planet, challenging us to make commercial decisions which benefit all three areas simultaneously
  • AB Mauri UK & Ireland is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and is BM Trada certificated for the supply of sustainable palm based products; we are now working towards BM Trada certification for sustainable soya products and sustainable cocoa products

Zero to landfill

During 2014 we engaged SugaRich and SugaRecycle at the Baking Ingredients sites (Northampton, Corby and Royston) to help us manage the waste output from our sites and maintain our Zero to Landfill policy.  The global yeast site in Hull has recently appointed S & J Synergy to help them evaluate, monitor and reduce waste. Reducing the amount of waste produced at each site is considered critical to reducing costs and minimising the effect our operations have on the environment. We continue to improve segregation at source in order to maximise the value of our waste and increase the quality in accordance with the Waste Framework Directive.

Working in partnership with our waste management companies we continually review the treatment of waste products including material destined for the animal feed market, vegetable oil, paper, cardboard, plastics, metal and glass. Waste that has not recyclable economic value is sent for incineration generating energy. We continue to maintain our policy of Zero to Landfill. 

Effluent treatment plant

  • As part of our commitment to responsible stewardship of our environment, our global yeast site at Hull operates a full biological waste water treatment plant. This treats all the spent residues of our fermentation process from which we produce a source of on-site renewable energy, providing up to 20% of our energy requirements.

Health, Safety & Environmental Policy

Our Health, Safety & Environmental Policy can be downloaded, please use this link.



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